install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("username/packagename") (Development of R packages is more advanced in R, but is a well-structured way to keep your projects tidy see: R Packages by Hadley Wickham) And you can install development packages of others with two lines of code. In R it makes sharing of your packages easy.You can see what changes between different versions of your code, analysis or written text!.You can revert back to a previous version, if you find errors or accidently deleted something.You can also report errors (bugs) or suggest new additions (features) to projects. People can contribute to your project and vice-versa. It makes sharing of your projects easy (once it’s setup, you’ll get there).Git allows you to track and share your code and analysis.

R in combination with the distributed version control system Git provides a convenient setup to make your research project reproducible.