Like all 360 tokens, they’ll have to be redeemed on a console (360, One, or Series X|S), but let me know if this works for you! Tweet Hey all, I’m told a backend configuration issue is fixed and any previously purchased digital tokens for the first Soulcalibur game can now be redeemed. Lingering problems for Canadian and possibly Mexican players were also resolved later in the day. Months later on July 14th, lead engineer at Xbox, Eden Marie, tweeted that a backend issue had been resolved and that codes for the game could once again be redeemed. At the time of this original post, others had reported to us that download codes purchased online resulted in errors. At least one report on Twitter mentioned that the game was even unable to be re-downloaded through Purchase History. The game was then confirmed to have been delisted by February 14th, 2022 in North America and around this same date in Japan. By February 19th, 2022 had flagged the game as delisted in their system and their forums for the game had been silent for years. Wayback Machine captures show that the game was last confirmed available in that region on Novemand was removed by May 2021. SoulCalibur on Xbox 360 appears to have initially been delisted in 2021 across European territories.

Xbox 360 ( Download Code) Retail Original Release (Dreamcast)